Mandy moore pocket
Mandy moore pocket

mandy moore pocket

The ending could have been expanded a bit more (you'll see when you watch it as I don't want to spoil anything) to include more emotion.

mandy moore pocket

Aside from the movie's undying message, there are some slight flaws. I found myself wishing I were either Landon or Jamie, because they represent the real virtues of life and love. As a maturing male, I couldn't help but cry inside, and I'm someone who felt indifferent toward movies like Titanic. Once the movie finishes, you'll be left wondering what happens to everyone (heck, even though it doesn't make sense, I want a sequel!). The situations that occur are very real, and very sad.

mandy moore pocket

AWTR contains a heartfelt conclusion to a story where you get to care about Landon and Jamie, two polar opposite teenagers who face peer struggles and the perils of love and death. Finally, on the WB a few days ago, the movie aired and I saw the conclusion. I liked it then, but the math class ended before the movie could be finished. I'm a 17 year old male teenager who happened to stumble upon this movie two years ago at school during a free day in math class (when I was 15).

Mandy moore pocket